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Apply Contact Lenses Perfectly!

Complete Guide of Best Applying for Contact Lenses

Putting in and taking out contact lenses can be challenging. Still, it becomes easy and stress-free with the proper technique and a little practice. To help you get started, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide on the best ways to apply contact lenses perfectly while inserting or removing your contact lenses for your eye comfort and lens safety:

Wash and dry your hands thoroughly.

One of the most important things to remember before handling your contact lenses is to wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap and water to help reduce the risk of infection and keep your eyes safe. It’s vital to ensure that your hands are completely clean and free of any contaminants, such as oils, lotions, or makeup, before handling your lenses. Dry your hands thoroughly using a lint-free towel or an air dryer to ensure a good grip. 

Check the lens for cleanliness.

Before inserting your contact lenses, it’s essential to ensure they are clean and debris-free. If necessary, rinse them with the appropriate ophthalmic solution to ensure that the lens won’t cause irritation or discomfort.

Now, let’s move to a step-by-step tutorial on how to put your new contact lenses in perfectly! 

1. Get the Lens Ready

Take the lens from its packaging and place it on the finger opposite the eye you want to insert it. Ensure the lens is positioned correctly, appearing like a bowl shape. The lens should rest on the flat part of your fingertip for easier insertion.

Get the lens ready to put in

2. Insert the Lens onto Your Iris

Keep your eye open using your middle finger on the bottom eyelid and your index finger holding your lashes against your brow. If you’re inserting the lens into your right eye, use your right hand to keep the eye open and your left hand to insert the lens. Repeat this process for your left eye.

Inserting contact lens onto iris

3. Center the Lens on Your Iris

Look straight ahead into a mirror while applying the lens and avoid any movement in your upper eyelid or blinking. Once the lens is in place, give it a few seconds to settle, then look in all directions to ensure it feels comfortable. Finally, remove your finger slowly from your eyelid and close your eye gently.

Center contact lens on the iris

4. Adjust for Better Relief

If you still feel uncomfortable with the lens, it might be an air bubble that needs to be released. To release it:
– Keep your finger on the center of the lens and move it around slightly. The lens should then fit the shape of your eyeball.
– If the lens still doesn’t feel comfortable, close your eye and massage your eyelid softly with your fingertip to change the lens’ position to the center of your iris.
– If the discomfort persists, remove the lens, clean it, take a break, and repeat the process from the beginning.

After knowing the best ways to apply contact lenses comfortably, it’s important to know the best ways of removing them gently and safely for long-lasting use.

1. Lower Your Eyelid Gently 

Always use the middle finger of your non-dominant hand to pull down your lower eyelid while pulling up the upper eyelid to hold your lashes against the brow. 

2. Remove the Lens Carefully.

Pinch the contact lenses off gently using your index finger and thumb. 

3. Look Up & Move the Lens Down Gradually.

Slide the lens down onto the white part of your eye, then your finger. 

4. Repeat for the Other Eye

Repeat the same steps to remove both contact lenses safely. 

Additionally, it’s essential always to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and recommended usage and care guidelines for your specific type of contact lenses. This will help ensure that your lenses are safe and effective and that you get the most out of your investment.

Finally, it’s important to consult your eye doctor if you’re still having difficulty with your contact lenses or experiencing discomfort or irritation. They can give you additional tips and recommendations specific to your needs and help you determine the best course of action.

In summary, wearing contact lenses can be a great alternative to glasses and a convenient option for those with a busy and active lifestyle. With a bit of practice and patience, you can easily master the techniques to apply contact lenses perfectly to enjoy all the benefits of wearing them.

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