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The Best Colored Contacts for Dark Eyes

Check Out the Best Colored Contacts for Dark Eyes

Thanks to colored contact technology and availability today, individuals with any colored eyes can get in on the fun, color-changing potential of contacts. Especially for those with dark, brown eyes that they might fear won’t adapt well with brighter colors, we’re here to describe which colored contacts are best for your dark eyes.

When it comes to expressing yourself, your options shouldn’t be limited. Changing your eye color is one of the simplest, yet most profound ways to really enhance your appearance, wooing and wowing everyone in the room.

Check out the best dark eye-colored contact options today:

  • Light Brown:

If you have really dark, opaque eyes that are somewhere between brown and black, adding a brighter layer of brown can be all you desire to change up your appearance. Light brown, with specks of gold or yellow can exude a “tiger eye” look that is warm, pretty, and perfect for summery months. Plus, keeping your eyes a “shade of brown” will make it harder for people to identify what’s different.

  • Gray Lenses:

Did you know that gentle, blue-ish gray lenses are an easy way to change your eyes from brown to blue without any “obvious” pivots? Different gray shades that vary from blue to purple are enough to brighten the darkest of eyes. It’s a great way to embody a bolder look that’s also still natural to you and your beauty.

  • Quartz or Sparkle:

If you’re afraid that the darkness of your eye will underscore the brightness of a natural blue contact lens, then consider a quartz or sparkle variation that will add depth to your eye no matter what. In addition to the new hazel or blue color you want for your eye, a gentle sparkle will glisten from your face every time a light or the sun catches the edges of your appearance.

  • Hazel Tones:

If blue isn’t working with your natural eye color, why not try out hazel/green? There’s nothing more beautiful than a natural hazel color, making you look like a gorgeous forest fairy everywhere you go. Hazel already has some browns in the overall composition of its color, which is why hazel colored contact lenses will work well with your dark eyes.

  • Sandy Beige:

And lastly, if you want the changes to your eye color to be as subtle as possible, check out our beige contact lenses. They’ll provide just enough pigment to change up your color without creating any massive distractions.

Look at the Big Picture

Remember, with makeup, hair, hairstyles, and accessories, you have a lot of options when it comes to changing your appearance. Keep in mind: bright, noticeable colored contact lenses can be a lot for people to digest. Tone down the accessories and makeup as you have fun with your eye color.

The sky is the limit, which is why as someone with dark eyes, we want you to have fun with colored contacts today!

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