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Best contact lenses for a bride.

The best-colored lenses for a bride!

Of course, your agenda for the wedding day is full of things to worry about, such as your dress, look, venue, guest list, and so many others. Contact lenses might be the last thing that might hit your mind. Despite its crucial role in your look and appearance on this important day in your life!

Because we believe that colored contact lenses can transform your bride look and enhance your natural beauty, we will help you know more about the best contact lenses and the colors that suit your eyes and skin tone.

Types of colored contact lenses for a bride

Many types of colored contact lenses can enhance your eye color. Some of these lenses could look more natural on your eyes because of featuring a series of tiny colored dots, radially arranged colored lines, and shapes.

1- Visibility Tint

This type of lens contains a minor color tint that doesn’t affect the color of your eyes. 

2- Enhancement Tint

This type of lens enhances the natural color of your eyes if you have light-colored eyes and want them to appear more intensely. 

3- Opaque Tint

Those lenses are not transparent and can change your eye color completely. This type could be the best choice for those who have dark eyes and want to change the color of their eyes. 

Also, contact lenses with opaque tint are available in the markets with a wide range of colors. 

Best-colored contact lenses for a bride

Choosing the right colored contact lenses as a bride depends on many more factors, not just the lens type on your eye’s shape. These factors include your skin tone, hair color, and the look you want to appear by.

Colored Contact Lenses Based on Skin Tone

1- Fair Skin Tone

People with a fair skin tone look great with any colored contact lenses, especially lenses with shades of grey or blue; it will give them a classy and natural look.

2- Tanned Skin Tone

People with a medium skin tone usually prefer the colors green, grey, hazel, or dark blue contact lenses because of their contrast with their tanned skin.

3- Dusky/ Dark Skin Tone

Dark skin works best with warm and smoky colors because it gives you this sexy and attractive look. Take care of loud colors like aqua or pink because they won’t complement your look. 

Now, you almost know the best color of contact lenses that suit your skin tone, eye shape, and color. So, it’s time to get ready for the wedding day!

Remember to inform your makeup artist that you are wearing contact lenses because they may apply your makeup differently to avoid harming the lens. 

Makeup tips to protect your contact lenses and your eye-vision on this big day: 
  • Make sure your hand and your makeup artist’s hands are clean before wearing the lenses or applying any makeup. 
  • Avoid oil-based mascara as it could cause discomfort or even blur your vision.
  • Avoid powder eyeshadow because it can make its way to your contact lenses and irritate your eyes.
  • Don’t put your lenses in too early or too late just before the ceremony starts to keep your eyes comfortable.
Here are some additional tips for choosing the best-colored contact lenses for your wedding:
Consider the lens material

There are two main types of lens material that you may want to consider based on your personal preferences and vision needs.

  • Soft lenses are more comfortable and easier to adjust, but they may not last as long as hard lenses.
  • Hard lenses (rigid gas permeable) may take longer to adjust to and may not be as comfortable, but they are more durable and can provide better vision correction.
Consider the lens type

In addition to the lens material, consider the lens type, such as

  • Daily disposable lenses:
    They are convenient and hygienic, as they are worn for a single day and then thrown away.
  • Monthly disposable lenses:
    They are worn for a month and then replaced
  • Extended-wear lenses:
    They can be worn overnight for up to a week.

The right lens type for you will depend on your personal preferences and lifestyle.

Try on different lens colors to see what looks best on you

It can be helpful to try on different lens colors in person or use virtual try-on tools to see what looks best on you. This can help you get a sense of how different lens colors will complement your skin tone, eye color, and overall look.

Follow proper lens care and handling

To ensure that your colored contact lenses are safe and comfortable to wear, it’s important to follow proper lens care and handling guidelines. This includes washing your hands before handling your lenses, using only the lens solution recommended by your eye doctor, and replacing your lens case every three months.

Choose a reputable brand

There are many colored contact lens brands to choose from, and selecting a reputable brand is important to ensure you get a high-quality product. Look for a brand with a good reputation, a history of customer satisfaction, and a wide range of lens colors to choose from.

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