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Contact Lenses Common Myths… Now Debunked!

Do you wear contact lenses regularly? If yes, sure you have been around to hear some common myths about using contact lenses. Those myths initially came from an unpleasant experience someone had to undergo, and instead of investigating, some stereotypical opinions were formulated about contact lenses that people took as factual information. So today, we state the facts and debunk some contact lens myths!

Firstly: Some people may think they are too old for wearing contact lenses!

No one is old for wearing contact lenses. Under the proper supervision of your eye care provider, any adult of any age can use them for even multiple purposes. For example, some senior adults use contact lenses as alternatives to their regular reading glasses!

Secondly: Lenses are uncomfortable!

Nowadays, manufacturers develop contact lenses with the latest technologies to be comfortable enough for every wearer. They are now thin, soft, and oxygen permeable to make your eyes breathe while wearing them. You might not notice that you are wearing contact lenses! Unlike those made ages ago, people went through difficulties wearing them often.

Thirdly: They may get lost behind the eyeball!

Technically speaking, it is physically impossible! Eyeballs have a membrane that is fully surrounding them while being connected to the eyelids from the inside. That prevents anything that might penetrate behind the eyeball.

Fourthly: Contact lenses are high maintenance!

Ages ago, care of your contact lenses may require a lot of care and procedures that you can drop. But here comes the alternative for all of that hassle; daily contact lenses. They are hassle-free as you can throw them away after a day of usage. In addition, reusable lenses are still simple to take care of with up-to-date solutions. As you can clean and store them using a multi-purpose solution that will purify your lenses and get rid of any dirt or bacteria stuck in your lenses.

Fifthly: Contact lenses are very hard to apply.

Following the right instructions, contact lenses will not be either hard to apply or get out of your eye. Why? Because the technique of application is quite simple. With clean hands, you get your lenses out on a finger. Gently hold your eye open, and then place the lens in your eye where you feel comfortable putting it. Move your eyes after application until you feel completely comfortable wearing it.

If it is stuck in your eyes, apply some drops that are for rewetting your lenses to ease the removal. That though is not likely to happen if you follow proper care instructions for your lenses.

Sixthly: Contacts can drop out of the eyes!

That is not likely to happen, especially if the lenses are fitted exactly on your lens. Dropping out of the eyes is a bit too far though because lenses are likely to shift around the eye. So, they can be put back in their proper place again by gently blinking, moving, or pressing the eyelid to put it back in place.

Seventhly: Contact lenses are expensive.

The cost of contact lenses differs from one manufacturer to another, because of the many factors involved. As the price depends mainly on the brand, the period of wearing and replacement, the latest technology used in production, and if they are colored then the quality of the color appearance would also be an important factor.

Knowing how to pick the perfect pair of colored contact lenses for a refreshed and luxurious look is essential. However, you can choose whatever you like according to your budget, and not gonna lie, it is an investment in looking great all the time without the burden of wearing glasses all the time.

And finally, teenagers cannot wear contact lenses!

Wearing contact lenses has no age restriction. Anyone of any age can wear whichever lenses they want as long as they are worn under the supervision of their eye care provider, and they are mature enough to take follow proper care instructions.

Contact lenses are a fun addition; either as an eye accessory that can add a splash of color to your daily wardrobe, or even only for correction for common eyesight problems.

After debunking contact lenses myths, start trying them today, and enjoy looking at your world with a full HD screen!

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