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Natural Look with A Colored Contact Lenses

Dos and Don’ts of Wearing Colored Contact Lenses for a Natural Look

Colored contact lenses can be a fun and easy way to change your look. Whether you want to enhance your natural eye color or try something completely new, colored contacts offer a quick and affordable way to achieve your desired look. However, suppose you want your colored contacts to look natural and beautiful. In that case, there are some essential dos and don’ts to keep in mind to enjoy wearing colored contact lenses for a natural look without compromising your eye health.

The Dos for A Natural Look:

  1. Do Choose a Color that Complements Your Skin Tone

When choosing colored contact lenses, selecting a shade that complements your skin tone is important. For example, if you have warm skin, choose colors like brown or hazel with warm undertones. If you have cool-toned skin, choose colors like green or blue that have cool undertones. Choosing a color that complements your skin tone will help your eyes look natural and beautiful. You can refer to this article to learn more about selecting the perfect pair of colored contact lenses that complement your skin tone.

  1. Do Consider The Size of The Contact Lenses 

The size of the contact lenses can also affect how natural they look. If you have large eyes, choose contacts that have a diameter of 14.2mm or smaller. If you have small eyes, choose contacts with a diameter of 14.5mm or larger. This will help ensure the contacts look natural and proportionate to your eyes. We advise you to get a prescription before buying your contacts and order your lenses from a brand that lets you specify each lens size based on your prescription. We recommend these lenses to you, which enable you to order customized pairs based on your needs.

  1. Do Follow The Replacement Schedule for Your Contact Lenses

Ensuring you replace your contact lenses on time is essential to maintaining healthy and comfortable eyes. The replacement schedule will vary depending on the type of lenses you have and your eye doctor’s instructions. Disposable lenses should be discarded according to the recommended daily, bi-weekly, or monthly schedule. Gas-permeable lenses can last for a year as they are designed for long-term wear. Staying within the recommended replacement schedule is crucial as it can lead to discomfort and potential eye problems.

  1. Do Practice Good Hygiene

It’s essential to practice good hygiene when wearing contact lenses, especially colored ones. Always wash your hands before handling your contacts, and clean and disinfect them properly. This will help prevent eye infections or any other complications.

  1. Do Consult your Eye Doctor Regularly 

If you need help determining which type or size of contact lenses to choose, consult your eye doctor. They can help you identify the type of lenses that suit you, specify the size you should wear, and help you select a shade that looks natural and fits your eye shape.

The Don’ts You Should Avoid:

  1. Don’t Wear Contacts that Are Too Bright or Bold

While bright and bold colors may be fun, they can also look unnatural when it comes to contact lenses. Stick to more muted and natural-looking shades to achieve a more realistic look.

  1. Don’t Wear Contacts that Are Too Big or Small

As mentioned earlier, the size of the contacts can significantly affect how natural they look. Avoid wearing too big or too small contacts for your eyes, as they can look fake and awkward.

  1. Don’t Share your Contact Lenses With Others

Sharing contact lenses with others is a big no-no, as it can increase your risk of eye infections and many other complications. Always use your own contacts and never share them with anyone else.

  1. Don’t Sleep In your Contacts

Sleeping in your contacts, especially colored ones, can cause eye irritation and other complications. Always remove your contacts before bed unless these lenses have been made and prescribed to be worn while sleeping. And, of course, remember to follow proper cleaning and storage procedures after removing them.

  1. Don’t Wear Contacts for Too Long

Wearing contact lenses for too long can cause eye irritation, dryness, and other complications. Follow the recommended wearing time for your contacts and replace them regularly to ensure optimal eye health.

Overall, wearing colored contact lenses can be a fun and exciting way to enhance your natural beauty. Remember to take proper care of your contacts, practice good hygiene, and choose colors that complement your skin tone and eye shape. With these tips in mind, you can achieve a natural and beautiful look that will turn heads wherever you go.

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